Thursday, October 2, 2008

Broken ribs are a pain (in every sense)...

Here is an update from Jeremy: 

Well here is the update on Phil Brown. Dad managed to tear a hole in his left lung after the bronchoscopy. So this means that they have to put a tube in his lung cavity and suck out the air to fix the collapse lung. This most likely happened as he was coughing and he has a broken rib on  that side. The bronchoscopy was on the other lung. He is still having problems breathing and has moved up to the maximum amount of oxygen until the morphine wears off. So hopefully he will start breathing better and move from the mask back to the canula. 
The respiratory doctor came by to talk about the results from the test. They won't know until the cultures are complete on the pneumonia. So we are waiting for more information about that test. 
The doctor did give another possibility that there might be myeloma in his lungs so they are also sending out a sample to ensure it isn't present. (This is just a possibility - this is not certain). They might need a larger sample to check for they may have to do another bronchoscopy to gather more a sample. So that leaves a little more excitement for tomorrow. They don't want a biopsy into the lungs because there is a chance of infection and another collapsed lung with a biopsy. So I am praying that this won't be the case and it is just a matter of pneumonia that can be easily treated. 
It is more information but we honestly don't know anything until the results come back on the pneumonia and myeloma. Sorry for not alot of definite information about anything. Dad says hi and isn't enjoying the hospital much.




Amanda said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this time. Being in the hospital is so much harder on them-my dad hated the hospital. He said that if he had any ounce of dignity left the hospital took that from him. I hope that Uncle Phil can go home and won't be there for 2 months like my dad. We are thinking of you all at this difficult time. It is so close to home and so hard....

Six Skinners said...

Dear Brown Family,

This is Kristin Skinner (Biggs) from the old Mesa 3rd Ward. I found your Dad's blog through Lisa McNeils (Jensen) Blog. I hope your family doesn't mind our family peeking into your Dad's life. Our hearts go out to your family at this time. Our Dad went through the exact same thing your Dad is going through now and we just wanted you to know that our whole Biggs family is praying for your Dad and the rest of your family. We lost our Dad on June 25 after an 8 year fight with MM. I know I speak for my whole family when I say that we hope the best for your Dad, he is an amazing man. We can not read your Dads blog without a flood of emotions and memories coming back about our Dad. We feel your heartache at this time.
With much love and prayer, Kristin